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Thursday, January 23, 2014

WEEKLY UPDATE January 23, 2014

Here is some information from Emmanuel

Events coming up here at Emmanuel


Sunday1/26         9:00 A.M.    Worship

                          10:15 A.M.    ANNUAL MEETING
                          10:15 A.M.    Sunday School-Movie
                           6:30 P.M.     Hebrew Bible Study
Monday 1/27        10:00 A.M.            Wheatridge Service
Tues  1/28               2:00 P.M. Care Committee Mtg.
Wed 1/29          1:30 P.M.     Staff Meeting
Friday 1/31                              Pastor Day Off          



NEXT WEEK                      

Sunday 2/2        9:00 A.M.      Worship-First Food for Genesis
10:15 A.M.      Coffee Fellowship

                        10:15 A.M.      S.S Journey to the Cross

                         6:30 P.M.       Hebrew Bible Study  



JANUARY 26, 2014
Following Worship Service.


Church Council

It is once again time to be scheduling the Annual Meeting and thinking about electing new church council members. This year there are 5 positions open for election. The secretary position was not filled last year, so it is still open, the treasurer position is up for election, and there are 3 members whose terms are coming to an end. Those members are Rick Stramel, Jack Armstrong, and Kim Roeder. If you have 2-3 hours a month that you would be willing to dedicate to Emmanuel as a council member, please let a council member know and we will put your name on January's ballot!


Recycle and Help Kaylee go to China!  
Kaylee Willems has the incredible opportunity to travel to China next summer with the People to People Student Ambassador Program. To help pay for her trip she is collecting used inkjet cartridges and old cell phones. These used items are sent in and recycled according to EPA regulations. If improperly disposed of, one cell phone can pollute up to 35,000 gallons of drinking water.


If you would like to send cards to Kay and/or stay in contact with her, here is her information... Kay Hull

                      4181 Menlo

                      Wichita, Ks. 67218      Phone-- 785-223-5248


Thank you to all who supported the Chili/Bean Feed.  The donations and attendance were greatly appreciated.  We will be able to buy several acolyte robes!  Thank you!  Autumn Mays


Thank You Emmanuel,
Especially to Pastor, Michele & Sarah, the Stramel Family, Charlene & Family (who keep track of me).  Deb, Alice and the Carolers and many more.  The last three months have been very stressful and without good friends it would have been unbearable.  Thank you for all of the prayers, cards, food and calls that we received.  My family and I have been greatly blessed by your kind words and attention.  My brother lived 93 years to the fullest.  Thank you for helping celebrate his life.
Ecclesiastes 3: For everything there is a season and time for every matter under heaven, a time to be born and a time to die.

Thank You
God Bless You All,

Mary Lou & Family




WE PRAY FOR:  Our homebound, *Dan Dorn and family, *Shirley Reed, *Verneda Bowman, *Della Helzer, *Merwin Jensen *Jan Malpert *Amy Busse, *Ruth Knodel, *Patrick O'Neal, *Bethany Rice, *Lee Tubbs, *Jake Wilkening, *Ruby Heinrichs, *Mike Fink, *Kay Hull, *Sylvia Hybl, *Roger Blume, *Kari Snethen, *Mary Lou Isernhagen, *Lavern Rapier, *Edna Snethen, *Diana Spinney, *Evelyn Kowalke, *Mike Ginn, *Fred Dietz
 In the Military:  *Brandon Zelfer, *Pr. Joanna Grimshaw, *Adam Rector, *Shane Mac Donald      



SERVING January 26, 2014

Worship Leader:   Pastor Darian Hybl                                 

Organist:  Marla Harrison

Lector: Brenda Hahn                        

Acolytes:  Austin & Sydney Hahn

Altar Guild:  Carol Deeds & Mid Gutsch   

Usher:  Thad Hahn   

Greeters:  Opal Van Donge, Roy & Elaine Freiburger                 

Sunday School Snacks:  Hybl Family                                   

Flowers:  Kim Roeder


Pastor's Sermon Blog – For those who may not be able to attend worship on Sunday, Pastor has started a new blog of the sermon preached.  The address is  Please let us know what you think!!

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