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Monday, March 31, 2014

03302014 Fourth Sunday in Lent (Lent 4)

Gospel Reading Audio
Sermon Audio

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.  AMEN.

This Spring farmers will perform a task that involves Faith.  If one was not raised on a farm, lived in a farming community, or grew up having experienced growing one’s own garden, you might not understand.  Yet, when a farmer plants a seed they not only use the muscle of faith in the potential within the seed, but trust that their planting will yield a harvest.  Whether it is of corn as is planted in the Spring, winter wheat in the fall that needs winter to give a good harvest or barley or sunflowers.  The action of planting a seed is the clearest expression of faith that we have here on the plains of Northwestern Kansas in what God will do.  But our planting of seeds is a perfect Segway for us to understand our having “Faith in God’s Promises” as well.

Let’s pull out our bulletin insert for this morning and continue in our learning about the Sacrament of Holy Baptism by reading the response to the question, “How can water do such great things?”  The Sacrament of Holy Baptism, How can water do such great things?  Certainly not just water, but the Word of God in and with the water does these things, along with the faith which trusts this Word of God in the water.  For without God’s Word the water is just plain water and no baptism.  But with the Word of God it is a Baptism, that is, a life-giving water, rich in grace, and a washing of the new birth in the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul says in Titus, chapter three: “He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, Whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.  This is a trustworthy saying.”  Let’s ask God to help us understand the seed planted in our own baptism as we go to Him in prayer.

Gracious God, Your Word combined with Water offers us eternal life and salvation.  May we understand that Your planting the seed of faith in us is because You can see the fruit that will be harvested from our lives and Your Work through us.  Enable us to be not only planters, but harvesters, for the harvest is plentiful of Your gifts given to all of mankind, but especially all of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel this morning.  AMEN.

The destructive nature of water is not unknown, just as the constructive nature of water for farmers here in Northwestern Kansas is clearly documented.  Some among us know all to well the difference in having an irrigation pivot running during the peak growth time of corn.  It can either add to the weight and quality or adversely impact its growth and the harvest in the fall.  If you doubt, just drive around some fields this summer and see the outer rings of corn that don’t receive the moisture, but are exposed to the wind.  But a bountiful harvest only occurs because of the faith of the farmer who planted the seed in the first place.

Without the seed being planted by the farmer, no corn would emerge, no crop would grow and farms here around Goodland would cease to exist.  In a clear and unmistakable way the farmer in planting the seed initiates the greatest testament to faith.  But faith in what?  Simply a faith that the seed will germinate and grow and have a harvest.

In the same way when we baptize an individual, whether an adult or especially a child or infant.  We as a congregation are part of planting a seed of faith in their lives.  Hence, I have before us this morning, not only seeds from wheat, but also corn and milo.  It is for us a reminder that we as a congregation are planting the seeds of faith in the lives of the children that are baptized in this very font.

When we plant the seed, it is in response to what God has already planted in our lives by someone else seeing it as important to pass down their faith.  Passing down the faith is something that is extremely imperative and we need reminded of what God offers us in our faith and by our baptism.  When we baptize it is in the promises of life and salvation that are intimately connected with Jesus Christ life, death and resurrection.  These are the promises that we receive.  With the number of funerals we have had recently, I have had the opportunity to continuously remind the families of God’s promises made in baptism as the seeds that were sown so long ago.  And what is ironic is that what we experience is not the seed when we mourn the passing of someone, but of something more important and faithful.

We see the harvest when mourn at the passing of someone we know and love.  The harvest in their death is now complete, the promise made with our sowing the seed at baptism, where Water and Word intimately connected was planted has now come to full maturity.  The harvest is complete.  The person that we will lay to rest has in most cases lived a full life, providing for family, teaching the difference between right and wrong, imparting the faith to their children and having heard clearly and consistently the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Not only have they heard it, but they also shared it and insured their children and the children of the entire congregation have heard the Word of God that tells of the promises of God.  And now they can rest from their labor and now are the ‘harvest’ from the seeds that were sown.

But it was the planting of the seed of faith in Holy Baptism that God initiated in those baptized and us the greatest gift of grace the world has ever seen.  In this gift of grace that tells of Jesus Christ life, death and resurrection, the Gospel message is planted and God makes it grow.  We are fed by God’s Word, His Sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and the blessings we receive as this seed of faith is nourished and grows from its planting in Holy Baptism.  For clearly God knows what will occur when the seed of faith is planted, thus all we need to do is plant this seed and trust God to bring it to the harvest.  And our trust in God is clear when we plant the seed, for it is for all of mankind, including all of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel who daily plant the seed of faith of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  AMEN.

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Throwback to my Chemistry Days

Most of you might not know, but I was a Chemist by training.

The below embedded video shows an unknown liquid at the triple point, where it is a solid, liquid and gas all at the same time!!!

This is REALLY Cool!!!

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Help People Connect with the Bible this Easter

Help People Connect with the Bible this Easter

Easter is a time when people who don’t usually go to church might be more interested in learning or reading more about God. For anyone who wants to see what the Bible is all about, the Bible App is a great (and, of course, free) way to get started. Millions of people all over the world have found the Bible App a simple yet powerful way to bring the Bible into their everyday lives.
This Easter season, whether you’re a church leader or someone who wants to share the Bible with your friends, the Bible App is the easiest way to help people begin engaging with the Bible.
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Simple ways ANYBODY can share:

  • Easiest: Point people to or to the YouVersion Bible App in their app store. And don't forget the kids! Share with the families you know and help them find the Bible App for Kids in their app store.
  • Very Easy: Wherever you are: with family, at church, waiting in line at the grocery store…strike up a conversation about favorite apps, then suggest the Bible App (or even download it) for anyone who’s interested.
  • Still Pretty Easy: Share verses and Plans you like to your favorite social media platform, from right inside the Bible App. You can even share the Bible App, just by selecting “Share,” right from the main menu.

Simple ways CHURCHES can share:

We understand you have a lot going on during Easter. YouVersion tries really hard to help you get the Bible into people’s hands, whether they’re new to church, they have questions, or they’re trying to start a daily Bible habit. And the Bible App is always completely free.
  • Easiest: Point people to or to the YouVersion Bible App in their app store. And don’t forget the kids! Share with the families in your church or lead them to the Bible App for Kids in their app store.
  • Very Easy: Use our free videos and graphics in your weekend service. You’ll find postcards, bulletin inserts, and posters you can print here, and even ProPresenter slides, all available in several languages.* And all of these resources are available year-round—not just during Easter.
  • Still Pretty Easy: We’d love to give you FREE sticker cards. But don’t put it off: our supplies are limited.
* English, Korean, Spanish (Latin American), Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional), Brazilian Portuguese, German, French, Dutch, and Russian.
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Thursday, March 27, 2014

03262014 Wednesday of Lent 3

Sermon Audio

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.  AMEN.

If you drive outside of Goodland West on 8th Street and turn left or South right before you go off on the dirt road, you will drive past two very important places.  First you will drive past the Ethanol Plant that is being built and next you will drive past the Sunflower plant that processes the seed.  For most, these two locations might be an eye sore or currently or in the future will smell funny, but for others, they mean business and money here in Northwest Kansas, whether from the development of each or the opportunity that will come when complete.  What is ironic is that both the ethanol plant and sunflower plant revolve around one commodity that even in Jesus day was very important.  It was oil, but for Jesus it was olive oil, like is used when cooking.  In our day and time, crude oil which is pumped from the ground even here in Northwest Kansas from decaying fossils and it is for some countries and cultures the end all be all.  Everything relies upon it from our clothes, cars and even our commodities.  But there is another application for oil here in the church, not crude oil, but olive oil in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.

When in Israel there were numerous Olive groves throughout the country that not only provided great eating, but also opportunity to see first-hand olive presses.  If you were to walk down the aisle at Wal-Mart, you can find many different types of olive oil, from low grade olive oil, to virgin olive oil and extra-virgin olive oil.  Each grade is dependent upon how it was extracted.  Low grade olive oil needs to be crushed from the olives and the higher grade oil, known as ‘extra-virgin’ naturally when placed in the press needs no crushing action to extract the oil that is the finest and purest.  When traded in Jesus day it would be the most expensive and used in most ointments and perfumes because it was not crushed or bruised in its preparation.

The extra-virgin olive oil connects us with baptism because of its use even today.  When we baptize and pour Water and Word over an individual and offer life and salvation and eternal life, we receive God’s greatest blessing.  And this blessing not only comes in Baptism, but we are reminded of this with the oil used to anoint as part of the rite of Baptism.  When baptized, special extra-virgin olive oil that has been blessed is used to make the sign of the cross over the persons head and heart as an additional reminder that we are signed, sealed and delivered to Jesus Christ through our baptism into His life death and resurrection.  With this additional element of the rite we are reminded of God’s continued promises.

Not only at baptism, but when children come and receive the blessing at the Lord’s Supper it is a reminder of their being signed by the Cross of Christ forever.  For children this is a tangible way to remind them of God’s continued promises for them and their anticipation of receiving the Lord’s Supper.  Not only at the Lord’s Supper, but also for all of us on Ash Wednesday when we came forward and the sign of the cross is made over our foreheads, it reminds us that dust we are and to dust we shall return.  And the extra-virgin olive oil used to make the ash is an additional reminder of God’s anointing upon our lives and God’s continuous involvement with each of us every day.

And the connection is even more tangible for the sick, whether at home, the hospital or on their death bed, for oil for anointing is used with prayers and hymns and spiritual songs to anoint persons who are sick and in need of the reminder of God’s Promises made in their Holy Baptism.  For this is the nature of God to remind us in many and various ways of how God offers us life and salvation and even connects us to the liturgical actions in the sacraments through the simple use of extra-virgin olive oil.

For the gifts offered unto us are clear and unmistakable, they are of life and salvation and the greatest reminder of our healing that we will receive in our entrance into heaven.  We humans think only of the here and now, but God looks to the eternal, for with the oil of gladness and our reminder with the oil of anointing we are reminded of God’s promises for all eternity. 

With our being anointed with oil we will be forever healed, because of God’s anointing us over our head and heart as a reminder of our baptism into His life, death and resurrection.  Those are the promises that God makes and fulfills and when we are anointed with oil, reminded of clearly and unmistakably in this simple action.  These are the promises of God that are made to and for us and signed with the olive oil that anoints our head and heart and reminds us of when we were baptized.  For God fulfills His promises of the Gospel that is for all of mankind, but especially all of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel that have been anointed with oil as a reminder of our eternal healing through Jesus Christ.  AMEN.

Check out Pastor on the Prairie (PotP)
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WEEKLY UPDATE March 26, 2014

Here is some information from Emmanuel

Events coming up here at Emmanuel

Sunday 3/9              9:00 A.M.           Worship
                                 10:15 A.M.          Sunday School Journey to the Cross
                             10:15 A.M.              Coffee Fellowship
                             11:00 A.M.              Confirmation
                              6:30 P.M.                Hebrew Bible Study @ Jack & Marilyn Eklund’s Home
Tuesday                 2:00 P.M.             Care Committee Meeting                                 
Wed                       5:30 P.M.               Lent Soup Meal
                              6:30 P.M.                Lent Service                                         
Friday                                                 Pastor’s Day Off
                              9:00 A.M.                LWR Workers

Sunday                    9:00 A.M.            Worship w/communion
                            10:15 A.M.               Sunday School-Practice Songs for Easter Sunday
                            10:15 A.M.               Coffee Fellowship
                             6:30 P.M. Hebrew Bible Study @ Jack & Marilyn Eklund’s Home



To the Congregation of Emmanuel Lutheran Church;
I want to thank you all for everything, the calls, cares, prayers, prayer shawl, during the past year. ThePETscan was Tuesday, and yesterday the oncologist said the cancer was gone.  GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!
                                                                                                Diana Spinney

Recycle and Help Kaylee go to China!  
Kaylee Willems has the incredible opportunity to travel to China next summer with the People to People Student Ambassador Program. To help pay for her trip she is collecting used inkjet cartridges and old cell phones. These used items are sent in and recycled according to EPA regulations. If improperly disposed of, one cell phone can pollute up to 35,000 gallons of drinking water.



Due to Financial reasons we will be having a Volunteer Clipboard passed around asking for people to give of their time and muscle to help clean and maintain the church.  More information will be announced in church on Sunday March 23rd.  If you have any questions please contact a council member.


WE PRAY FOR:  Our homebound, *Dan Dorn and family, *Shirley Reed, *Verneda Bowman, *Della Helzer, *Merwin Jensen *Jan Malpert *Amy Busse, *Ruth Knodel, *Patrick O’Neal, *Bethany Rice, *Lee Tubbs, *Jake Wilkening, *Ruby Heinrichs, *Mike Fink, *Sylvia Hybl, *Roger Blume, , *Mary Lou Isernhagen, *Lavern Rapier, *Diana Spinney, *Evelyn Kowalke, *Mike Ginn, *Fred Dietz, *Marion Carter, *Robert Boyle, *Russell Briney
 In the Military:  *Brandon Zelfer, *Pr. Joanna Grimshaw, *Adam Rector, *Shane Mac Donald     
 Missionaries: *Verneda Bowman.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the prayer list, please contact us.   If you have any questions or concerns regarding the prayer list, please contact us


SERVING March 30, 2014

Worship Leader:  Pastor Darian Hybl
Organist:  Marla Harrison

Lector: Jo Ann Wahrman   
Acolytes: Autumn Mays
Altar Guild:  Mona Marrs & Linda Johnson
Usher: Harold & Mary Ann Snethen                   
Greeters: Carole Farris & Mary Ann Snethen      
Coffee Hosts:  Mays Family                 
Flowers: Mary Lou Isernhagen
Sunday School Snacks: Mays Family           

Pastor’s Sermon Blog – For those who may not be able to attend worship on Sunday, Pastor has started a new blog of the sermon preached.  The address is  Please let us know what you think!!

Newsletter Deadline

Please have all information to the Church Office no later than noon March 27, 2014 for inclusion in the newsletter.

Thanks for you help!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Worship Servants for Wednesday March 26

Usher: Rick Stramel
Greeters: Ken & Virginia Palmgren
Lector: Michele Hybl

Monday, March 24, 2014

03232014 Third Sunday in Lent (Lent 3)

Sermon Audio

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.  AMEN.

In Seminary at LTSS – Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, South Carolina, there was a group of guys that became very close.  They had been in college together and eventually all came to seminary about the same time.  Having already formed the closeness in college and the fraternity and small college atmosphere, seminary was just four more years of partying together, but also forging even stronger the ties that continues to bind them together for their years in ministry.  Most of these same guys had grown up in parsonages across the church and knew exactly what they would encounter after graduation.  So in this brotherhood they would not only study together, party together, but would also come up with some cool sayings for their faith that they shared in Jesus Christ.  One of these connects readily with us today.  They would say, “Lutheran by birth, Southern by the grace of God”.  Matter of fact they even had t-shirts made with this saying similar to the Old Lutheran T-shirts I have before us.  But the motto the guys came up with was reminiscent of another saying about baptism.

Let’s pull out our bulletin insert and delve into the Sacrament of Holy Baptism by reading the response to the questions “What benefits does Baptism give?”  and “Which are these words and promises of God?”  The Sacrament of Holy Baptism (II), What benefits does Baptism give?  It works forgiveness of sins, rescues from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all who believe this, as the words and promises of God declare.  Which are these words and promises of God?  Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Mark: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”  Let’s thank God for His promises in prayer.

Good and gracious heavenly Father, we receive the greatest benefits in our baptism into Your life, death and resurrection through the forgiveness of our sins.  If it were not for You we would be lost, but Your promises are sure and certain of our forgiveness, life and salvation.  Thank you for these gifts, for they are not only for all mankind, but especially for all of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel this morning.  AMEN.

Yes, my friends would say, “Lutheran by birth, Southern by the grace of God”, but the truth is, they also knew more fully and believed more so, “One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism”.  In this saying written by Paul, in Ephesians 4:5 clearly articulates our Lutheran belief in Jesus Christ, the one Holy and catholic and apostolic faith and the one baptism we are all baptized into in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  And this is exactly what we receive when Water and Word is poured over us.

In, through and by our baptism we receive the greatest benefit from God in His Word and His promises in the forgiveness of sins.  Some would naturally question why bring up ‘sins’ and why constantly mention or remind us of our sins.  We live in a world full of people that remind us of how we all fall.  But Martin Luther was very clear and he only repeated what Jesus Christ constantly said, “I did not come to save the righteous, but the sinners”.  Jesus could look into our hearts and see our collective sin and it was for this reason that Jesus Christ came and offered Himself for us.  Jesus Christ came in order to set us free from our sins.  Not to beat us over the head with them, but to tell us to ‘let go of them’, because we constantly and daily reflect upon them and sometimes feel we are unworthy of anything, even from God.  Remember the confirmation saying, “SINS” really means “Sinner In Need [of a] Savior”.  And it is through our baptism that God claims us, redeems us and offers us eternal life.

These are the promises of God that we need reminded of, not just in funeral sermons, but that we need to tell others about.  This is the greatest message that we the people of God, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb have the opportunity to share with not only our family and friends, but with all of humanity.  For the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not offered to only a certain few, but it is offered for everyone, all of mankind, without age restriction, class restriction, monetary ability or any ability of our own.  This is the free gift of grace from God that is offered for all.

But the reality is our society, culture and especially Satan is trying to keep this message from getting out.  Satan is throwing events, circumstances and any ‘wrench’ he can into the spread of this message.  And we the people of God, baptized by God are letting this occur.  We allow this to occur because it is easier for us to just sit by instead of stepping up and being accountable and being the children of God baptized into Jesus Christ life, death and resurrection.  But this message of the grace of God is freely offered to us and for us for all of mankind.  We need only share it.  During this Lenten season we are penitential, recently I saw one member come to the altar rail and have their own private time with God having their own conversation with their God.  We also during Lent confess our sin, but we have friends that are in need of a Savior.  It is not exclusive of our own family, but inclusive for all of us, we only need to do something that is extremely hard for us as Lutherans.

The most difficult thing for us as Lutherans is to invite someone to worship.  It could be we want this to be our own private time with God.  We don’t want to have to deal with our friends while here at church, because we need ‘one place’ to escape.  We are afraid of being turned down, or we just do not know how to invite someone to meet Jesus Christ.  That is why Lent is the perfect time for all of us to step out of our comfort zone and invite someone to meet Jesus Christ.  Let me give you an acronym to help:  STEP.  This simple acronym can help you to STEP out in Faith and invite a friend this Easter to come and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ for you and for them.

S stands for – Stop doubting you can invite.  Satan is the cheerleader for you not to invite anyone to church.  Every time you pass on the opportunity to tell about Jesus or invite someone you know to church, the scoreboard for the Gospel being spread continues to read zero.  God wants you to STEP out and invite people to experience the love He has for you and them and share it with them here in worship.  Our music may not be like at Calvary or First Baptist or Harvest, but the hymns we sing were written to not only express the faith, but moved people for countless generations to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  So our first opportunity is to stop doubting yourself and prepare to invite someone.

T is a reminder for you to Talk to God.  This is a no brainer, ask God to help you in not only inviting people to church, but telling them the good news of Jesus Christ even if they don’t come to church.  Talking to God will not only lower your blood pressure, your stress level at work and home, but sharing with God what is on your heart will bring you into deeper relationship with Him.  And it is in this deeper relationship that you will find not only a closer relationship with God, but a clearer understanding of what God means to you.  When we talk to God, yes we tell Him what He already knows, but in sharing, we make a connection with God that builds the bridge of relationship with Him even stronger by just talking to God.

E is simply Expect God to send His Holy Spirit.  Expecting to God to do something presupposes that you have already talked to God about sending the Holy Spirit, so ask God to send the Holy Spirit and then expect God will follow through.  For God will send His Holy Spirit to us in order for His Glory to be revealed, and inviting someone to worship is precisely the place where God’s Glory will be revealed, not only for them, but also for you.  Expect that every time you come and worship, God will send His Holy Spirit to impact your life in ways that will not only amaze you, but lift you up when you are down.

Finally P is where we Prepare for God to work in the lives of the person we are inviting and even in our own lives, empowering us to invite others to hear the Gospel message.  God clearly wants us to STEP out in faith and prepare for His glory to be revealed.  For God will radically change your life and the lives of the people you invite, and this will bring about heavenly results beyond our wildest imagination.  Prepare for this every time you come and worship, for just as a farmer prepares the field for planting, when we prepare our hearts, we prepare for God to work on, in and through us.

God wants us to understand and share with one another the truth found in “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism” and STEP out in faith to share this message and invite others to hear it.  Let’s be God’s action agents and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ for all mankind, including all that we encounter and for all of us gathered here at Emmanuel to STEP out in faith and invite the world to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  AMEN.

Check out Pastor on the Prairie (PotP)
Email Me

Emmanuel Worship Survey

Good Morning,

As we look to Easter and beyond, we would like to have your input concerning our worship experience at Emmanuel.

Below is a link to a form for you to fill out and express your feelings about our worship.

Please let us know how we can improve and glorify God more with our preparation.

Thank you for your interest and input!!!

Yours In Christ,
Pastor Darian

Emmanuel Worship Survey

Just so everyone understands, this is an ANONYMOUS survey.  We do not know who says what, so please know we want your honest opinion!!

Check out Pastor on the Prairie (PotP)
Email Me

Friday, March 21, 2014

True Leadership by "Coach K"

When I read that Duke had lost in the NCAA tournament, I was not surprised, but when I heard what Coach K did showed me what true leadership really means.  In 2008, I had the opportunity to go to Catholic Mass in Durham, NC.  And low and behold, Coach K attended the same mass and was sitting less than 20 feet away from my wife and myself.  A tall man, I really appreciated his humbleness at mass and how he put his faith first.

Back to the loss to Mercer.  After loosing such a close game, Coach K in true leadership style went to the winners locker room and congratulated them on their accomplishment.

This is the true sign of a true leader who acknowledges his loss, but congratulates his opponent on a game well played.  Coach K is the epitome of a great leader, not only showing it on the floor, but even behind closed doors by emulating style and leadership for his players and anyone who needs a figure to look up to during this day and age.

Thanks for being a model of leadership for me Coach K!!

Check out Pastor on the Prairie (PotP)
Email Me

Thursday, March 20, 2014

WEEKLY UPDATE March 20, 2014

Here is some information from Emmanuel

Events coming up here at Emmanuel


Sunday                            9:00 A.M.    Worship

                                     10:15 A.M.     Coffee Fellowship         
                                     10:15 A.M.     Sunday School
                                       6:30 P.M.     Hebrew Bible Study
Tuesday                          2:00 P.M.     Care Committee Mtg.
Wednesday                   5:30 P.M.     Lent Soup Meal
                                       6:30 P.M.     Lent Service
Friday                                                  Pastor Day Off                      
                                      8:00 A.M.      LWR Workers



NEXT WEEK                      

Sunday 2/2        9:00 A.M.      Worship
10:15 A.M.      Coffee Fellowship

                        10:15 A.M.      S.S Journey to the Cross

                         6:30 P.M.       Hebrew Bible Study  

Recycle and Help Kaylee go to China!  
Kaylee Willems has the incredible opportunity to travel to China next summer with the People to People Student Ambassador Program. To help pay for her trip she is collecting used inkjet cartridges and old cell phones. These used items are sent in and recycled according to EPA regulations. If improperly disposed of, one cell phone can pollute up to 35,000 gallons of drinking water.



Due to Financial reasons we will be having a Volunteer Clipboard passed around asking for people to give of their time and muscle to help clean and maintain the church.  More information will be announced in church on Sunday March 23rd.  If you have any questions please contact a council member.


WE PRAY FOR:  Our homebound, *Dan Dorn and family, *Shirley Reed, *Verneda Bowman, *Della Helzer, *Merwin Jensen *Jan Malpert *Amy Busse, *Ruth Knodel, *Patrick O’Neal, *Bethany Rice, *Lee Tubbs, *Jake Wilkening, *Ruby Heinrichs, *Mike Fink, *Sylvia Hybl, *Roger Blume, *Kari Snethen, *Mary Lou Isernhagen, *Lavern Rapier, *Diana Spinney, *Evelyn Kowalke, *Mike Ginn, *Fred Dietz, *Marion Carter, *Robert Boyle, *Russell Briney
 In the Military:  *Brandon Zelfer, *Pr. Joanna Grimshaw, *Adam Rector, *Shane Mac Donald     
 Missionaries: *Verneda Bowman.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the prayer list, please contact us.   If you have any questions or concerns regarding the prayer list, please contact us


SERVING March 23, 2014

Worship Leader:   Pastor Darian Hybl                                 

Organist:  Marla Harrison

Lector: Autumn Mays                                   

Acolytes:  Autumn Mays

Altar Guild:  Mona Marrs & Linda Johnson         

Usher:  Harold & Mary Ann Snethen         

Greeters:  Jack & Doris Armstrong            

Sunday School Snacks:  Autumn Mays

Coffee Hosts: Ruth Circle                            

Flowers:  Stan & Marilyn Martin

Pastor’s Sermon Blog – For those who may not be able to attend worship on Sunday, Pastor has started a new blog of the sermon preached.  The address is  Please let us know what you think!!

03192014 Wednesday of Lent 2

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.  AMEN.

The precious commodity here in Northwestern Kansas isn’t land, it isn’t wind, because we have lots to spare, but it is water.  When the settlers first came to the prairies the landscape was scattered with windmills, because the water was under the surface and needed to be pumped up for use to water the cattle and give the crops the needed moisture.  Today the Ogallala aquifer that we sit over top is drying up at an alarming rate.  But water is what drives the economy here in Northwestern Kansas and helps us to be one of the largest producers of corn and wheat in the country.  Yet, water not only is used for crops, we here in the church use water for Baptism.

In our series on Holy Baptism we have heard the connection of the Baptismal Rite and the story of the flood and how the story is our personal connection with Noah.  But the Water that flooded the earth, not only destroyed everything in its path, but clearly and unmistakably helps us understand a greater fact.  God warned the people about sinning and only after the world turned from God, did He unleash the Water of the flood.  In that moment God wiped away all the animals that breathed, mankind and sin in one felled swoop and we remember when we are baptized our sin being forever removed from us by Water intimately connected with Word. 

When God used the water to remove sinful mankind from the world, we to in our baptism have our sinful self-washed clean and made new.  We are forever changed by the Water and God’s Word and the truth of Water being connected with Word.  The Water and Word intimately connected has heavenly results offered to us.  And these results are our entrance into heaven.

Some might view that baptism is a ‘get out of hell’ free card.  But this is nothing further from the truth.  In the simple washing with Water and Word we are set free from the bonds of sin, death and the devil.  No longer are we bound by the sin that we were conceived in, but we have been set free to be the children of God.  How can Water do such great things?  The catechism is clear, “Because in Baptism water is used by a special command of God…[and] the promise of the Triune God is connected with the water…God imparts forgiveness of sins…delivers [us] from death and the devil…[and] gives eternal salvation…” [Q. 245, 253]  These are the gifts from God offered unto us and which we receive through Water and Word.  And the results are eternal life for us with God in His Kingdom.

God offers us this gift freely for all mankind.  But some still press the issue, what about those who have not been baptized, will they go to hell?  If one believes this, then God is nothing more than a monster and cannot be trusted.  However, the God Who baptized me through Martin Luther in his catechism explains, “it is not the lack of baptism which condemns, but the despising.”  In essence it is unbelief that condemns us.  So those who have not been baptized are not summarily condemned, but it is the clear and manifest despising of baptism that does condemn.  But God is clear, He freely offers baptism as a means of grace for us to enter into His kingdom and it is not for a ‘select few’, but for all of mankind.

This is a clear manifestation of the grace God offers us through His Son Jesus Christ.  For by Jesus enduring the shame, the beatings, hanging from the Cross and suffering and dying for all of mankind, His death was not for a few.  Jesus died for all of mankind and through our baptism into His life, death and resurrection we are offered eternal life.  This is God’s gift we receive through Water and Word that has eternal implications, our entrance into the Kingdom of God.  And this includes all of mankind, but especially all of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel this evening remembering our baptism by Water and Word and their heavenly results for each and every one of us.  AMEN.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

03162014 Second Sunday in Lent (Lent 2)

Sermon Audio

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.  AMEN.

Whenever I would enter a classroom in elementary school, middle school, high school, college, graduate school and seminary, the first thing I would do would be to look at the board.  Now when younger some will be able to relate it was the old slate chalk boards that had the dusty erasers that always needed taken out to the poll in back of the school and ‘beaten out’ or ‘dusted’.  In today’s world we have what we have before us, a dry erase board.  A new-fangled invention, because some people we know have become allergic to the chalk and these boards are a little less messy and hypoallergenic.  None the less, what is on the board when you enter the classroom is a clear indication of what the teacher would be teaching about or lecturing to the class about for the day.

So to this morning, as we begin in our series on Holy Baptism, I have a simple yet very profound math problem on the board.  It isn’t bad math by any stretch, but it does relate to us and what we receive when we are baptized.  Let’s pull out our bulletin insert and delve into the Sacrament of Holy Baptism by reading the response to the questions, “What is Baptism?” and “Which is that word of God?”  The Sacrament of Holy Baptism, What is Baptism?  Baptism is not just plain water, but it is water included in God’s command and combined with God’s word.  Which is that word of God?  Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Matthew: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”  Let’s ask God to help us understand our own baptism as we go to Him in prayer.

Lord of Heaven and earth, Your Word is definitely and certainly true and commands us to trust You in all things.  Enable us as we gather here this morning to understand Your commands are not for our detriment, but our blessing, for this blessing comes because of our baptism into Your Son’s life, death and resurrection.  May we fully understand this and clearly thank and praise You for all the blessings we find in Your Word for all of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel this morning.  AMEN.

On our board this morning is a simple formula that denotes not only a simple math truth, but the truth of what we receive in our baptism.  “1 + 1 + 1 = 3”  We could easily use symbols for this and would potentially make more sense for us.  The first “1” is a symbol for us in Holy Baptism of the Water.  [DRAW a DROP of WATER] A few weeks ago in confirmation we were talking about Holy Baptism and I was explaining how anybody could baptize in cases of emergency.  Again a student asked a very good question, “Does the water have to be ‘holy water?’”  I simply responded, no it is not required nor necessary.  The water can be any water.  Whether from a water bottle, river or any source, it only needs to be water.  This satisfied their curiosity and showed me they were all in fact listening and interested.

The second “1” signifies the “Word of God”.  [DRAW a BOOK/BIBLE]  It is God’s Word or the Holy Scriptures that clearly and unmistakably changes the playing field.  God’s Word reveals not only the heart of God, but prophesied about what God would do in sending His Son Jesus Christ.  From the waters of creation where the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit hovered over the Water on the Earth, to the use of the Word of God by Jesus Christ against Satan.  God’s Word sets us free and when connected with the Water in Baptism, reveals the gifts of God for the people of God.

The Final “1” signifies you and me.  [DRAW a human] Water plus the Word of God is not only tangible, but when poured over our heads or we are immersed in the Water, God makes us a new creation.  A month and a half ago, I had the extreme pleasure to baptize a man who was near death.  He had requested Holy Baptism and wanted it before he died.  The significant thing was not the use of Water or Word, but that with the connection of Water plus Word plus his presence, God in the most extraordinary and profound way entered his life and offered him life and salvation.  God came down from heaven and for the first time called him a child of God.  What is more profound is that less than a month later, I had the extreme pleasure to tell, not of what this man had done on earth, but of what God had done in him through, Water, Word and its being poured over his head and how now he after his death he rested in his Saviors arms.  He was a new creation redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ for all eternity.

In that one moment what we receive in our baptism with Water plus Word plus our presence equals the greatest blessing of all eternity.  We receive the “3” or the ‘logical part’ or the blessing of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  [DRAW a Triangle]  With our baptism into Jesus Christ life, death and resurrection, we receive the greatest blessing for all eternity.  This is the promise and the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life we are made partakers of with our baptism.  We now are partakers of eternal life and our entrance into heaven is promised unto us.  This is the free grace that God offers unto us that we with our baptism are now partakers of with WATER, WORD and EACH OF US.  This is God’s Work, not man’s.

I was once asked about baptism and what is my role in the act of baptism?  The question stemmed from an understanding that well, you are the pastor, so you must have a significant role in baptism.  And my response was simple and clear.  Baptism is a gift that God offers unto us.  It is something that we as Pastors are only passively involved in, God is the main action agent and I as pastor am just a mere spectator.  Yes, I pour the water over the persons head, yes, I say the words, but it is not me, but God working through me.  God is the main character here in divine action.  I am only a sinful man, God is the one Who baptizes people, I am only a simple towel boy that is privileged to be used by God to impart the greatest gift of grace known to mankind.

For with our baptism, God offers us grace upon grace and offers us eternal life.  Through the WATER intimately connected with WORD being poured over US, God gives to us the greatest blessing of eternal life in the Trinitarian Name being bestowed upon us.  And today we receive another of the greatest mysteries of God of His Son, Jesus Christ precious Body and Blood.  Through our baptism we receive the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation and today are offered His precious Body and Blood.  These are the blessings we receive from Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all of mankind, including all of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel this morning remembering the grace offered to us through our baptism of WATER and WORD over EACH of US by the invocation of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  AMEN.

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

03152014 Funeral Sermon for Kay Hull

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May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight O Lord, our rock and our redeemer!!  AMEN!!

Let us pray!  Gracious Lord Jesus Christ, with Your Holy Hands You shaped the earth and formed man and woman in Your image.  Today we come before You with our hearts heavy from the loss of Kay.  Yet, You remind us in Your Holy Word that not only was she made, formed and shaped in Your image in the womb, but You have made her new with her baptism into Your life, death and resurrection.  For this gift of grace showered upon her through the Waters of Holy Baptism reflect not only the love You had for her, but the promise that comforts us now as we are here to say goodbye.  Though the veil of death separates us today, Your promises to her are fulfilled with her entrance into Your Holy Kingdom where she now rests in Your loving arms.  May the Gospel message promised in her baptism and now fulfilled in our hearing comfort us as we mourn, for Your Word promises us the Holy Spirit to comfort and remind us of Your eternal presence and the promise of eternal life for all mankind, but especially all the saints of Kay’s family gathered here at Emmanuel to say goodbye.  AMEN.

When an artist paints or draws the intent of the artist is to share an experience or a moment in time that they themselves personally experienced and want to share with others.  The artist begins with a vision in mind of what the final outcome will be, whether a scene of a picturesque mountain, a stream of water and the tranquility felt while relaxing beside the flowing brook or even the plains of Kansas and the wheat ready for harvest blowing in the wind.  Clearly the artist vision of the experience has more than meets the eye from the painting or drawing, but until one meets the artist or hears the story behind the artwork, it continues to be a mystery for those viewing the creation.

In a clear and profound way, we who gather here this morning are very similar to individuals who view artwork, but in our case our view is not of art, but of our experience with Kay.  All of us when we first met Kay had clear ideas from our first encounter with Kay and what she was like.  Mine was out here in front of the church and parsonage after first arriving.  It revolved around Kay’s car and the damage that had been done to the front fender and door of her car.  For me just having arrived here in Western Kansas at my first call it was something that was not a mountain top experience, but for Kay it was a very profound event for Kay and something that she needed to share with somebody.  Not only did Kay need to share it, Kay needed someone to help her carry the load or burden of that experience and how to deal with it.  And since I was her new pastor, Kay wanted me to be the one to help her carry her load.  But I wasn’t the right person, there was someone else that she knew that was made for this and I only needed to remind her Who that was that could and would help Kay carry her burden.

If there is anyone that could sympathize with Kay about what occurred in her life, it was a master artist, creator and someone that was already a friend to Kay.  That person was Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ the great artist had formed Kay in her mother’s womb and knew her from the time of her conception.  When Kay was baptized in the waters of Baptism, Kay was forever changed and God claimed Kay as His own in her baptism into His life, death and resurrection.  From that moment, Kay’s life was never the same, it was forever changed.  It did not change who she was, it did not change what Kay did or how she acted, but the Waters of Baptism changed Whose Kay was and where Kay would spend eternity.

Through the Waters of Baptism, Kay was washed with the Blood of the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.  With Water connected with Word, Kay was made a child of God and redeemed.  No longer was she just a young woman, she would marry Duane, adopt a step son and have two beautiful daughters, Denise and Rachel and enjoy the joys of being a grandmother, who would share what she had been given through the Water and Word of baptism, the gift of faith.  It was so important that Kay made sure her daughters came to confirmation and grandson Danny came to Vacation Bible School put on by Sky Ranch and learned about Jesus Christ.  And Kay’s faith was unmistakable in her personal desire to learn more about her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Most of us sitting here in the pew are unaware that Kay not only visited other churches, she also met with the Ruth Circle, Marilyn Eklund’s small group and other Bible Study groups to learn more about her faith and use the muscle of faith given to her in her baptism.  From the time she was baptized over at the First Christian Church Kay wanted to learn more about her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and this is the aspect that was hidden from most of our view, but it was clearly visible to God her Father in heaven in Whose arms she now rests.

Not only did Kay want to learn more about her Father in heaven, she came to God’s table and received the eternal food in the Lord’s Supper that would strengthen her on this pilgrimage and provide her eternal life.  When Kay would come and receive the Lord’s Supper of Jesus Christ precious Body and Blood, she would receive the fruits of creation that God clearly offers with the words, “Given and Shed for you for the forgiveness of sins”.  We all know the painting of the Last Supper painted by Leonardo Da Vince, where Jesus Christ instituted the Last Supper.  In this painting, Jesus disciples gathered around a table thinking they were only sharing in the yearly feast of the Passover.  Unbeknownst to them, they were sharing in the most intimate last meal with Jesus Christ before His death.  In that moment, Jesus turned the feast on its head and Da Vince captures for us today a beautiful portrait and reminder for us of what Jesus Christ was offering then and still for each of us today. 

Today Kay in a very real way is sharing with Jesus Christ in heaven the greatest feast of food, all because of her baptism into Jesus Christ, life, death and resurrection and her receipt of His precious Body and Blood around the altar of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  This is the life lesson that God fulfills to Kay today and that we celebrate here as we say goodbye.  For even in my own life, Kay taught me a very important and profound lesson that still sticks with me today.  That day when I first met Kay outside of the parsonage, Kay taught me a very insightful lesson in pastoral ministry that has impacted me and continues to affect me and I am thankful for today as we say goodbye.

As a Pastor, when I hear the troubles of an individual, I personally might not view the individuals’ problem as a mountain to overcome or the trouble they see it as, but in the eyes of the individual experiencing it this is something that is deeply affecting them.  But God in their sharing this event is inviting me to learn from them and walk with them through the valley.  And Kay’s experience was no different, because on that day she taught me and provided me the opportunity to grow in my ministry and how I would walk with the souls entrusted to my pastoral care.  Kay helped me to grow closer to God and become a better pastor, for she was a child of God, redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ and now rests comfortably in her Lord and Savior’s arms.  No longer with the pain of rejection of this world, nor of the cancer she valiantly fought against, but now Kay is hand in hand with her betrothed Duane in the eternal presence of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

May we who still mourn and are still on our journey, take comfort in the truth of our salvation found in Jesus Christ.  And may the salve of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and what He did on Calvary for all of mankind, but especially Kay, help us to see each other in and through God’s eyes as the redeemed children of God and welcome one another as God has welcomed Kay into His kingdom where we will be welcomed as His children.  For this is the offer for all of mankind from God, but especially all the saints of Kay’s family and friends here to say goodbye.  AMEN.

Now may the peace of God which surpasses all human understanding guard our hearts and minds and comfort us today, because of what Jesus Christ did for Edna and each one of us!  AMEN!

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

03122014 Wednesday of Lent 1

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.  AMEN.

When this country was settled, there was not an excess of paper, nor computers or as many law offices as we have today.  There was only one thing that had any validity, it was man’s word.  It didn’t matter if it was for water rights, cattle sale or even how families would divide the land homesteaded by their parents, a man’s word was his bond.  It would stand up in court and nobody doubted or denied the validity of a man’s word.

This history not only is important, but clearly connects to us how God’s Word has impact and importance for us here today.  The Word of God that we have had passed down from generation to generation as contained in the Holy Bible is true.  Unlike society which has changed, God’s Word and the intent we find has not changed from the Garden of Eden, to the desert where God’s people toiled for 40 years to Jerusalem where Jesus was killed to us today that sit here in Goodland, KS.  God’s word is the bed rock which we can know God and believe that God has not changed.

Now man’s interpretation has changed, whether from the understanding of words to the application here in the world, but God’s Word has not changed.  For God’s Word has one intent in mind and that is the salvation of all of mankind.  God’s Word from Genesis pointed to the coming of a figure that would redeem mankind.  The prophets continuously looked for the coming Messiah and celebrated yearly this remembrance in the Seder and Passover feast.  And when Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, changed water to wine, calmed the storm and raised Lazarus from the dead, Jesus was the manifestation of the greatest love from God for us, His children.  And in Holy Scripture we have this unchanging Word of God that is True even for us today.

Yet, daily God’s Word is under attack.  Whether in society, schools or even and especially by Satan himself.  God’s Word is under attack and we, the children of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit are the ones who can walk the line and keep God’s Word pure.  For God’s Word being true connects with us tonight as we continue our series about baptism.  For without God’s Word connected to Water Holy Baptism would not have the meaning, validity nor value that is clearly offered unto us today.

In Holy Baptism when God’s Word connected to Water washes us clean it connects us directly to the promises of God.  We should not doubt, but daily Satan tries to get us to doubt God and His Word.  This has been the tactic used by Satan from the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and even continues with each of us today.  When we doubt God and His Word we jeopardize our salvation.  God’s Word does not change and if we doubt it then we are in folly and Satan the father of lies has won the victory.  But God does not give up that easily on us nor His Word.  God clearly calls us to believe in His Word as truth, because in it we find the greatest gift from Him.

The greatest gift in His Word is the promises found in our Baptism into Jesus Christ life, death and resurrection.  We receive in this Sacrament the truth of generations that clearly sets us free from the bonds of death and frees us to eternal life.  These are the promises that are fulfilled when we are washed with the Blood of the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.  These are the promises that God offers to us when we believe His Word as truth and trust fully in the divine gifts offered for us at the font.  For when we are brought to the font and washed clean, we no longer are bound but shielded by God’s Armor of the Word of God.  In the Word of God we find the truth of the grace God offers us and sets us free to embrace.  For this freedom is for all of mankind, but especially all of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel who believe that God’s Word is true and that in our baptism God offers us the truth of the forgiveness of sins for each and every one of us.  AMEN.

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