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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sermon 02292012 Wednesday of Lent 1

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.  AMEN.

Let us pray, Lord Jesus Christ, at Your name every knee will bow and every tongue confess Your are Lord.  The Gospel message of Your coming into this World and dying for our sins is clear, but the impact Your message has on Kings and Rulers baffles the mind.  May we be equally affected and clearly hear that the Gospel is for each and every one of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel.  AMEN.

Reality shows have been around since television began.  When I was a child, I remember seeing a court show entitled, “The People’s Court” with Judge Wampner.  Yes, today we have “Judge Judy” and others that try and resolve issues outside of the ‘courts’, but as public entertainment.  If you have watched any shows like this, you have seen when some defendants or plaintiffs come and are very disrespectful and will not be quiet, even talking back to the judge.  But what always occurs is that the judge has both the power and authority to force the person to be quiet.

In tonight’s text from Isaiah we hear of the power and authority of the suffering servant, Jesus Christ.  Hear Isaiah’s words: “15 Thus He will sprinkle many nations, Kings will shut their mouths on account of Him; For what had not been told them they will see, And what they had not heard they will understand.

Isaiah prophesied this about Jesus Christ the suffering servant.  The text reads ‘sprinkle’ and I have also heard ‘startled’, both have the indication that Jesus Christ has the power and the authority to silence Kings and anyone in authority and they will understand.  This power is derived from Jesus Christ being God, Second Person of the Trinity and King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Jesus Christ in startling or sprinkling the nations takes His role as King clearly and with unmatched and unquestionable power and authority over all nations.

Jesus Christ message has no equal.  The message Jesus Christ brings is of salvation for all of mankind.  Jesus Christ came down from heaven to earth to be born in a stable, grow up the son of a carpenter, be driven into the wilderness and tempted and tested by Satan, to perform miracles of healing, casting demons out, feeding the thousands and making people whole.  Jesus Christ came to suffer the torment of our sins at the hands of the Jewish leaders and the Roman soldiers and to be hung on a cross in the greatest humiliation for you and for me.  Jesus Christ came to die on the Cross of Calvary, be buried and on the third day, rise from the dead.  For this was the plan of salvation and the great message of Jesus Christ for all of mankind.

The truth is that the message of Salvation Jesus Christ brings for each of us sets us free.  We having been baptized into His life, death and resurrection are set free from the bonds of sin that bind us daily.  Jesus Christ sets us free since we are His children.  Jesus Christ signed, sealed and delivered us the promise of salvation as the suffering servant, not only as the sacrifice for our sins, but He chose this to quiet the Kings and Rulers of our day who believe they are god.

Jesus Christ is the real God Who did this because of His great love for us.  Jesus Christ is the suffering servant Who was exalted, marred and quiets all of the doubters of our world.  For Jesus Christ the suffering servant came into this world not to condemn the world, but that the entire world through His life, death and resurrection would be saved, including all of us saints gathered here at Emmanuel.  AMEN.

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